Get moving
Go outside. Get some exercise.
Make sure to take breaks during the day and get enough sleep at night.
Eat and drink
Make healthy choices in regards to what you eat and drink
Meditate, pray, or perform other faith rituals. This can help heal you and provide you strength.
Seek support
Find support in friends, neighbors, family, co-workers, and your faith community.
Nurture yourself
Align yourself with nature, go to a concert, take a bath, get a massage, garden, be creative, read, or perform other activities to recharge you.
Allow time off
Take a break from your routine, your job, your home, or even your grieving.
Socialize with friends, play video games, participate in sports, eat out, go shopping, rent a movie, etc.
Use humor
Seek opportunities to laugh or smile and cultivate your sense of humor. Watch a comedy or read comics.
Enjoy loved ones
Spend time with family and friends.
Put your feelings and thoughts down on paper to help you heal.
Allow tears
Remember that crying is normal and healthy while you grieve. Tears can release pain.
Seek out grief support
Look for counselors and support groups to help you grieve.
Prepare for difficult days
During holidays or other special occasions, prepare yourself by planning how to handle the day. Try something new. Change a tradition.
Help others
Reach out people who are hurting. Volunteer for a good cause. Donate to charities. These will help you feel connected to others and make you feel needed.
Honor your loved one’s memory and keep his or her spirit alive.
Take deep breaths.